The right word!

Yesterday a good friend of mine had the misfortune of going through a rather horrible experience on Facebook. Someone in his life whom he had tried to keep as a friend for many years, wrote his thoughts on his page, they were as clear as if he had spoken them.

And strangley enough it clarified almost all the behaviours I experienced between September 09 and April 10 .

in previous blogs of mine. Even more strange or uncanny or wisely and insightfully another friend of his, wrote the perfect word to describe this “friends” behaviour and indeed the behaviour of my former “friends” Trad Arr and my ex husband and all those other bullies I have mentioned

My friends friend’s word though ,nailed it………Now I have coined this behaviour as wankish, cuntish, wrong, nasty, e.t.c. and although these words are passably decriptive and valid in there way.

Spiteful…………..the person was …………..spiteful………………..those people that were in my life…………..were spiteful.

What is spite Betty?

deliberately hurt, annoy, offend.O.E.D. definition…….*n. a desire to hurt, annoy, offend *v.

For a person, any person,Trad Arr, the ex, the bullies, the people, this man, any man woman or child to be spiteful, to wish to carry on being spiteful , to choose being spiteful as a way of life.

spiteful,. adj. spitefully, adv. Spitefullness     

Origin ME shortening of Ofr, despit ‘contempt’, despiter’ show contempt for 

contempt and the desire to show be full of the desire to deliberately hurt, annoy , offend, to behave with the full intent to deliberately hurt, annoy ,offend, to be full of

Why would someone be like that? Why would they want to carry on being like that? ………who knows?................

but seeing someone so full of this desire over and over again makes other people, me , my friend, lots of people really, quite tired………we become quite, very, …….very very tired of it. and we don’t need to have it in any of our lives……….something I wrote in a blog in October 2010. ………………I was right all along.

  you see, you are hard pushed to see anything other than the contempt they show ………… me it was as clear as the sneer across their faces.seeing the best in people is not a noble gesture , just a thing some nice people do…………but sometimes

  his friend, lots of my friends, nice people, give ‘em……………….and if you give people enough rope they can build a rather fetching bridge with it…….or they can hang ‘emselves…………there is a choice see.Unfortunately people who are spiteful often don’t see how much rope we give ‘em, me, my friend,

I do believe we should Give ‘em enough rope then no one can say you didn’t give ‘em the choice…….

But this is also why it was right for me to confront those people and why it was right for my friend to do so too.

Smile my pretties!;-) xxx

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