What Did You Expect?

I am a child of complex needs,

I sit and wait for my next feed,

Give me my pot and give me my pan,

I’ll bang on my drum as loud as I can.

I shall have this and I shall have that,

I will have it all and I will grow fat,

I have a habit of getting what I want,

I’ll break everyone else’s if I can’t.

I want my fortune and I want my fame.

I will play dirty to win the game,

Give me the milk and give me the honey,

I’ll take your peace of mind and I’ll take your money.

I am the child of a bright new age,

I will rise and take centre stage.

Give me an inch and I’ll take a mile.

I’ll take your photograph, post it and smile.

You can’t stop me, you do not have my respect,

You have made me, what did you expect?

All Material on this site © Beth Dismore 2002 - 2020     milkandsugar@bettywozere.com