I'm A Stray Dog Now

He had been lonely since he lost Anneka, and I had nothing,

I’ve a lot to thank him for, we were a team , we had something.

His family had long since grown up and moved too far away,

He gave me a warm blanket and three square meals a day.

Long walks in the park got shorter, he didn’t throw a ball,

Visits from Uncle Hank, got fewer, and fewer, then, if at all,

He sat in his armchair, I sat under his feet,

Two better friends you would be unlikely to meet.

One night a hard rain began to fall and a wind howled like my father,

M man strayed to long into the night and the wind grew so much faster.

And I am a stray dog now…..

He landed at Omaha, when he was just a pup,

A little water wasn’t going to give us up!

He stood his ground and I stood guard,

Yesterday being hungry hadn’t seemed so hard.

The rain came down like stair rods and the wind brought the sea.

My man said he didn’t need no help and the wind raised the tree.

And I am a stray dog now……

He worked for the union., never shouted or hollered,

Over the years he paid his dues, never questioned the white collar,

He gave his best for his children, his wife and his country,

Still believed in the dream, in the end all he had was me.

The rain stopped then but the wind came on strong and a tree sat in the lounge where a tree don’t belong,

My man undid my leash and told me to run, I howled into the wind when he didn’t come.

I am a stray dog now……..a stray dog now……see me, I’m a stray dog now.

All Material on this site © Beth Dismore 2002 - 2020     milkandsugar@bettywozere.com