Voices @ The Boogaloo 16/07/11 :-)x

It was a steamy afternoon and as it turned out a reckless one too. I didn’t mind the gap and fell up the escalators into Highgate for a convivial enening in the company of our host Zachery Stephenson.

I go there a little earlier than I expected and began a little pootle down the Archway road and as I was crossing, there on the other side of the road was Richard Golding!!! of Trad Arr!!!…walking in my direction. Really Betty?!..indeed yes! Betty…

I was invited to talk and I made pleasantries about life, in the ensueing 18 months since we last met/spoke……. We discussed a little of the unpleasantries that went on 2 years ago , some things were resolved , others were not, and never will be unfortunately….however, he came and shook me by the hand as I asked, he said that he would, from now on, treat me with the respect I deserve. …I don’t know about the other members of Trad Arr… their resolutions are yet to come… but it was a thing he did……it took a great effort to make the effort Anyhow, he walked with me to The Boogaloo and spoke with Mark and myself , then took his leave before anyone else arrived and he wished me and Mark well in our turn that night …I wished him well in his life…..it was o.k.…positive….i do hope I will see him at gigs in the future.

I think it a great shame that i have had to write about it,  writing about my life is my catharsis, i could have kept it private by speaking to them personally at the time , a respect that was not granted me.  I know the situation back then would  have stopped or changed if they had have. Trad Arr 's personal privacy is something i appreciate. I have written about my life, my feelings and views on the situation of their behaviour towards me...solely, there lives are there own and if they wish to publish anything about there lives on the internet, it is for them to do not me, nowhere on this site or any other in my name, will you find any information on their private lives. They will be left in peace by all my friends, that is my choice and i thank everyone for respecting it. We will not make music again obviously or share any friendship , that is Trad Arr's choice, but i still love and will always love them all for making such wonderful music and giving me the impetus to change my life for the better,  the worst pity is they'll never know or appreciate that fact.

To be honest I was in a bit of a daze for the rest of the night!!.... Mark and I settled out for tab……..no more smoking inside Bet? …….probably a good thing ay……Mark gave me a hug ….bugger me it was naffing raining…again…….lol

We were to be but a part of a long list of a host of chorus,…chorus of host

Our host of the host, Zachery Stephenson opened with his aplomb and joviality and cracked out a fine ditty . He has a rather splendid and idiosynchratic voice, reminiscent of his sister Amy and indeed (perhaps it is the raven hair but his tone and demeanour remind me of a less stylised and vibrato led antony of the johnsons)

The proceedings…proceeded and there were so many lovely lilting strains of which i cannot remember any ...piano led , guitar led, solo and sisters, then it was me!!

We did Hold me, Shocking state and Knickers.. hurrah! and we got a most pleasant reception, i spied several girls singing along and looking at their sklirt hems! i love it! and all too son it was over and i stepped down to Jason Swindle's smiley face......nice.

Mark and I repaired swiftly outside for a tab and i engaged in a wonderful conversation in relation to buddhism and the art of dealing with traffic fines...before going on to street art/ grafitti and public lavatories and why someone would wish us to know.."Gavin sucks cocks" 

Then it was Jason  Swindle! of whom I have spoken before, he is a splendid performer and indeed peace envoy! opening with a truly heart felt political comment and a call to humanity to join him in the ways of love...he did "everlasting" a very beautiful number that you should hear! ..Mark and  I sang along most gladly :-)

After another sojourn into the rain and chats with Ange and Phil amongst sundry other good people it was Mark Cottrell's turn and as always he was the consumate musician ...I'm on! 987,654,321 Street...and we all sang along, Phi Pi Ya Ya, Jason and I doing a few well crafted and very silly backing yodels!

We stood in the rain thereafter, having our photo's taken and playing silly buggers, strangly talking of how we would like to be sent off!! our final curtain as it were , all in good humour and knowing that we would all be there!! lol

as it turned out it was my time to go! and i had to get the last train back to the village...........it was too early and i am sure i missed many and wonderful things, but i slipped away through the night kitchen and many texts ensued before i fell into sweet dreams...

I must go there again......and so should you my pretties! xxx:-)

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